
【今年で7年目】カミングアウト・フォト・プロジェクト「OUT IN JAPAN」
LGBTQ 2000人の「自分らしく」を写真集に!全国の図書館や学校などに届けたい!


In celebrations of the 7th year of the "OUT IN JAPAN" coming out photo project, we want deliver a photo book of over 2000 LGBTQ people in the project “being themselves” to libraries and schools all over Japan!

NPO法人グッド・エイジング・エールズ代表、松中 権(まつなか ごん)です。
My name is Gon Matsunaka. I am the head of the NPO Good Aging Yells.

We ask for your cooperation in this project of bringing hope to the future of all LGBTQ and other sexual minority (hereafter LGBTQ) children and youth living in Japan.

This project was first launched in the spring of 2015.

年齢も、国籍も、職業も、性のあり方も様々な LGBTQの当事者が、自分らしく、生き生きと輝いている姿を、ポートレートとして撮影していく、『 OUT IN JAPAN 』というプロジェクトです。
We called it "OUT IN JAPAN", and photographed LGBTQ people of all ages, nationalities, professions, sexual orientations and gender identities as portraits, making them shine brightly and vividly in each their own ways.

第1回 東京撮影会にフォトグラファーとしてお招きした、レスリー・キーさんは、
Leslie Kee, the photographer when invited to the first Tokyo Photo Session, said

“This project is one I am destined to do for the rest of my life. I hope we can continue to work together on it!”
In other words, he was very supportive.

写真家 レスリー・キー
Leslie Kee, photographer

Together with Leslie and company, we held a total of 20 photo sessions in 10 cities across Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai, Sapporo, Hiroshima, Setouchi, Okinawa, and Kanazawa).


さらに、『 OUT IN SINGAPORE 』『 OUT IN TAIWAN 』という形で、アジアにも輪が広がっています。
In addition, we even expanded to Asia with "OUT IN SINGAPORE" and "OUT IN TAIWAN".


これまでに撮影会に参加くださったのは、LGBTQ当事者、1,754組 2,040名。
To date, 1,754 single’s or couple’s photo sessions, 2,040 LGBTQ people have participated.


Along with proud and heartwarming solo portraits and happy couples’ portraits, we posted each person's coming out story on our website. (


プロジェクト立ち上げ当初から、「 勇気をもらった!」「 将来に希望が見えた 」「 自分も何かにチャレンジしたくなった 」など、たくさんのメッセージが事務局に届いています。
Since the launch of the project, we received many comments from people of the sort saying “This gave me courage!”, “This gave me hope for the future”, or “I want to challenge myself now”. 

In addition, we have been supported by many people, including LGBTQ-related organizations around the country, local governments, various companies, professional stylists, hair and makeup artists, videographers, creative directors, and many people who have supported us through crowdfunding. It is with this support of so many people that we have been able to continue the project, including the day-to-day management of the photo sessions and the dissemination of information through photo exhibitions and other means.

この場をお借りして、『OUT IN JAPAN』に関わるすべての方々に、心から御礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございます!!!
That is why we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all the people involved in "OUT IN JAPAN". Thank you so very much!


So why make a photo book this time?

The other day, the Sapporo District Court ruled for the first time that was unconstitutional for two people of the same sex to be unable to marry, saying that it violates Article 14 of the Constitution, which states that all people are equal under the law.

It is thanks to the many LGBTQ people and allies and their activities to date that we are seeing signs of major changes in Japanese society.

On the other hand, discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ people still persist in Japanese society, and there are many people who find it difficult to come out and live as themselves. In particular, the rates of bullying and suicidal attempts among school-aged LGBTQ youth remain high, and there is an urgent need to expand awareness and understanding of LGBTQ people and their classmates at this crucial learning period. 

そこで、『OUT IN JAPAN』では、
That is why, OUT IN JAPAN has decided to compile the portraits of the LGBTQ people who participated in this photo sessions, as well as the information and messages about LGBTQ issues, into a photo book, and launch a new project to deliver the book to libraries and schools around the country.

For the LGBTQ youth, it is a photo book that will give them the courage to see that they are not alone.
For those around them, it is a collection of photos that will make them understand that LGBTQ people are a part of everyday lives.

I hope that together we can collaborate to bring hope to the future for all in Japan and looking forward to your support.
Thank you very much!

◆◆◆ 応援メッセージ / Messages of Support◆◆◆

天道 清貴
Singer / Songwriter
Kiyotaka Tendo

ずっと本当のことを言えずにいた私は「OUT IN JAPAN」というプロジェクトに救われた一人です。そして勇気をもらった人がいるのと同じ位、愛を持って応援してくれる人たちがいました。今回、その感謝の気持ちを込めて「はじまりはありがとう」という曲を書かせて頂きました。誰かが思いやりを持って接してくれた時に溢れる「ありがとう」は、心と心がつながるきっかけの言葉。社会は誰にとっても生きづらい瞬間はある、だからこそ支え合う優しさを大切にしたい。


For a long time I was not able to reveal my sexuality. I was one of those people saved by the "OUT IN JAPAN" project.  
And just as there were people who got courage through this project like me, there were also people who supported us with love. So I wrote the song "Hajimari wa Arigatou" (translation: Beginning with Thank you) to express my gratitude. It is about the "Thank yous" which overflow when someone treats you with compassion and which is a word that connects people's hearts and minds. There can be hard moments living in this society and that is why we should cherish every kindness and support we get from each other.

Now it is my turn to help the youth of the future. I hope that even just one more person will be inspired by this photo book.

◆◆◆「OUT IN JAPAN」にご参加いただいた方々へ / To those who participated in "OUT IN JAPAN" ◆◆◆

【 環境や心境の変化を受けての対応について 】
【How to respond have you changed?

2015年のキックオフ以降、約2,000名のLGBTQの方々にご参加いただいてきた「OUT IN JAPAN」。
Since it’s kickoff in 2015, approximately 2,000 LGBTQ people have participated in OUT IN JAPAN. It is through the support of each and everyone that we have been able to continue our project of bringing members of the LGBTQ community closer and more familiar to the rest of the world at large. Thank you again for your support.

On the other hand, it is also true that there is still discrimination and prejudice in Japanese society.

Some of the participants in the project may have changed jobs, moved to a new place, or had a change in their relationships, which may have resulted in prejudice or unkind remarks from the people around them, contrary to their initial intentions. In addition, some people may have had a change of heart and no longer want to come out.

「OUT IN JAPAN」は、そのような状況が改善されるまで、もしくはご自身として改めて情報公開をしたいと思うまで、写真や名前などをWEBサイトや写真展などから非公開としたい、という意思を尊重したいと考えています。
OUT IN JAPAN respects the wishes of those who wish to keep their photos and names private from the website and photo exhibitions until such time as the situation improves, or until such time as they wish to make their information public again.

(We have already been contacted by several participants, and we have responded by either making it private.)

In such a case, we would appreciate it if you could send us an email to the following address and let us know your request. Please note that it may take some time for us to reply to you.



◆◆◆ 「OUT IN JAPAN」撮影会ヒストリー / History of "OUT IN JAPAN" Photo Sesssions◆◆◆

#001(東京):2015年3月 92組111名
#002(東京):2015年8月 97組116名
#003(大阪):2015年10月 106組119名
#004(東京):2015年11月 109組120名
#005(福岡):2015年11月 94組94名
#006(東京):2015年12月 60組65名
#007(名古屋):2016年2月 104組120名
#008(東北):2016年3月 96組104名
#009(東京):2016年4月 138組165名
#010(東京):2016年10月 17組22名
#011(札幌):2017年10月 61組65名
#012(東京):2017年11月 17組21名
#013(広島):2017年12月 27組31名
#014(福岡):2018年4月 50組56名
#015(東京):2018年5月 148組174名
#016(瀬戸内):2018年10月 50組57名
#017(東京):2019年4月 138組163名
#018(東京):2019年6月 17組19名
#019(沖縄):2019年8月 24組26名
#020(金沢):2019年9月 17組19名
SINGAPORE:2018年7月 157組199名
TAIWAN:2018年10月 135組174名

合計:1,754組 2,040名

#001 (Tokyo): March 2015: (92 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /111 individuals)
#002 (Tokyo): August 2015: (97 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /116 individuals) 
#003 (Osaka): October 2015: (106 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /119 individuals) 
#004 (Tokyo): November 2015: (109 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /120 individuals) 
#005 (Fukuoka): November 2015: (94 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 94 individuals)
#006 (Tokyo): December 2015: (60 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 65 individuals)
#007 (Nagoya): February 2016: (104 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 120 individuals)
#008 (Tohoku): March 2016: (96 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 104 individuals) 
#009 (Tokyo): April 2016: (138 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 165 individuals) 
#010 (Tokyo): October 2016: (17 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /22 individuals) 
#011 (Sapporo): October 2017: (61 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 65 individuals) 
#012 (Tokyo): November 2017: (17 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /21 individuals) 
#013 (Hiroshima): December 2017: (27 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /31 individuals)  
#014 (Fukuoka): April 2018: (50 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 56 individuals) 
#015 (Tokyo): May 2018: (148 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 174 individuals) 
#016 (Setouchi): October 2018: (50 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /57 individuals) 
#017 (Tokyo): April 2019: (138 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 163 individuals) 
#018 (Tokyo): June 2019 (17 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 19 individuals) 
#019 (Okinawa): August 2019 (24 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /26 individuals) 
#020 (Kanazawa): September 2019 (17 single’s or couple’s photo sessions /19 individuals)  
SINGAPORE: July 2018 (157 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 199 individuals) 
TAIWAN:October 2018 (135 single’s or couple’s photo sessions / 174 individuals)

Total: 1,754 single’s or couple’s photo sessions 2,040 individuals

◆◆◆ クラウドファンディングについて /About this crowdfunding◆◆◆

本クラウドファンディングサイトは、2011年からグッド・エイジング・エールズをサポートし、継続的なコラボレーションを実施しているアルファ ロメオの協力のもと、運営されています。
This crowdfunding site is operated with the cooperation of Alfa Romeo, which has supported Good Aging Yells since 2011 and with whom we have an ongoing collaborative relationship.

なお、目標金額は 200万円 としております。集まった支援金は以下の用途に大切に使わせて頂きます。
The target amount is 2 million yen. The funds raised will be used for the following purposes

・デザイン費 Design cost
・印刷費 Printing cost
・郵送梱包費 Packing cost
・クラファン手数料 Crowdfunding fee

We sincerely look forward to your support.



● 概要 Overview
The goal of this project is to photograph coming out portraits of LGBTQ people living in Japan, and to deliver their coming out messages to society through a website and photo exhibitions. This is a collective impact project where individuals, NPOs, corporations, and local governments work together to realize a single goal. Unlike the conventional approach of NPOs promoting the project and companies supporting it, we believe that we can create a greater impact and change society by taking advantage of each other's strengths.

2015年3月の#001東京撮影会以降、東京・大阪・名古屋・福岡・仙台・札幌・広島・瀬戸内・沖縄・金沢の全国10カ所で計20回の撮影会を実施し、すべてを世界的フォトグラファーである、レスリー・キーが撮影を担当しています。撮影会や写真展においては、全国各地のLGBTQ関連のNPOや団体、自治体、企業などと連携しています。『OUT IN SINGAPORE』『OUT IN TAIWAN』など、アジア地域への広がりも。
Since the #001 Tokyo photo session in March 2015, a total of 20 photo sessions have been held in 10 locations across Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai, Sapporo, Hiroshima, Setouchi, Okinawa, and Kanazawa. All subjects were photographed by world-renowned photographer Leslie Kee. The photo sessions and exhibitions are held in collaboration with LGBTQ-related NPOs, organizations, local governments, and companies throughout Japan. The project has also expanded into Asia with "OUT IN SINGAPORE" and "OUT IN TAIWAN".

● 主催 Organizers
Good Aging Yells, a non-profit organization

● 協力(五十音順) In collaboration with (in Japanese phonetic order)
株式会社アダストリア、アルファ ロメオ、キヤノン株式会社、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン 日本法人グループ、株式会社資生堂、日本オラクル株式会社、株式会社丸井グループ
Adastria Co. Ltd.; Alfa Romeo; Canon Inc.; Johnson & Johnson K.K.; Shiseido Company, Limited; Oracle Corporation Japan; Marui Group Inc.


お申込みは、サイトに会員登録後、ご希望のプランを選択の上、お手続き下さいませ。会員登録は、メールアドレスもしくはFacebookアカウントで可能です。メールアドレスでご登録の場合は、登録後すぐにサイトからメールが届きますので、そのメール内に記載されているURLをクリックして初めて会員登録が完了となります。詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。 >>>>>>

PERSONAL RECOMMEND あなたへのおすすめプロジェクト